Career Opportunities
Using their 40+ years of on the job expertise, Scozzari Roof Services Contracting & Consulting can train you and your staff how to inspect all types of roofing materials for weather related damage.
Roofing Contractors: Train Your Staff
If you are a roofing contractor, we can train your staff how to increase your sales and beat your competition every time you go on an estimate, while maintaining higher profit margins than you are currently seeing.
Individuals: Learn Everything You Need
We can train you as an individual to be a valuable member of your local roofing contractor’s economy and more so, your own economy. This is not a sales job, it’s an opportunity for you to learn how to be part of a national roof consulting / Project Management team. Scozzari Roof Services will train you the most effective way to maintain a high level income in the roofing/waterproofing trades while giving homeowners and business owners the information they need to reduce their roofing cost without sparing quality.
No Prior Roofing Experience Required!
However, it will help if you have some knowledge. Scozzari Roof Services wants you and will dedicate our time to train you or your team in every state. If you are new in the business, you need to know what Roof services can teach you to make a mark in your territory that will set you apart from the others both new and old.
How to Apply
Send us an email to with the following information:
- Name, Address, Phone Number
- What roofing experience do you have?
- Why do you want to work for Scozzari Roof Services?